Change Management - Fixed Verses Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset leaders will quickly contaminate an organisation by killing growth and creativity, as well as promoting incompetence based on their likeness. This cycle will be replicated unless shareholders intervene ruthlessly……
Change Charade Protagonist #3: Change Team
In the complex realm of organisational change, the change team stands as the driving force behind change, tasked with navigating a maze of challenges, resistance, and uncertainties. When this team lacks the necessary.......
Friday’s Change Reflection Quote
Leadership of Change®
Change Leaders Oppose Unethical Practices
✅ 1919, Alcock and Brown made the first non-stop transatlantic flight.
Change leaders cultivate resilience and adaptability to navigate unforeseen obstacles, pivoting strategies when needed. They foster a collaborative and inclusive environment, harnessing the……
“Change Waits for No Leader, and both the knowledge and skills required for leading day-to-day operations are very different to the leadership of change”
Peter consults, speaks, and writes on the Leadership of Change®.
For further reading please visit our websites:
Peter F Gallagher is a Change Management Global Thought Leader, Guru, Expert, International Speaker, Author and Leadership Alignment Coach.
Ranked #1 Change Management Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Change Management (2024-2023-2022-2021-2020) by Thinkers360.
Listed #1 by leadersHum Top 40 Change Management Gurus You Should Follow in 2022 (Mar 2022).
Listed #15 in the “Top 30” for Global Gurus Leadership (2024) by Global Gurus.
Ranked #1 Business Strategy Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Business Strategy (2022) by Thinkers360.
Ranked #6 Leadership Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Leadership (April 2024) by Thinkers360.
Business Book Ranking
Change Management Behaviour - Leadership of Change® Volume 6, listed among the 50 Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders to read in 2022.
Change Management Adoption - Leadership of Change® Volume 5, listed among year-to-date’s (Jul 2021) most popular books on business and technology from Thinkers360 member thought leaders.
Change Management Handbook - Leadership of Change® Volume 3, listed among the 50 Business and Technology Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders to read in 2021.
Change Management Pocket Guide - Leadership of Change® Volume 2, ranked within the top 50 Business and Technology Books (Jan 2020) from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders.