Peter F GallagherNov 12, 2021Peter F Gallagher Speaking to Vistage UK Chief Executives on the Leadership Of ChangePeter F Gallagher Speaking to Vistage UK Chief Executives on the Leadership Of Change
Peter F GallagherJun 1, 2020Webinar Learning Days with Luminary - The Why, What and How of ChangeJoin Peter F Gallagher: Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way A premier like never before: 1 day, 17 hours and 18 speakers to start off...
Peter F GallagherMay 9, 2018Leadership of Change Masterclass – May 2018 - Edinburgh, UKMasterclass Class Agenda *Breakfast and Networking 1. Change Disruption and Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) 2. Typical IT Project Budget: