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Leadership of Change® - Change Management Quotes

Change management and the Leadership of Change® are a challenge for every organisation. It’s important that everyone involved approaches organisational changes with a growth mindset, learning from previous change, aligning the leadership team, using structures approaches and focusing on employee adoption to achieve benefits realisation and suitability.


Quotes on change management are useful to help motivation, inspiration and create success in implementing organisation change. Please enjoy reading our favourite quotes about change:


Change Management Quotes, Change Leadership Quotes, Leadership Quotes, Friday Change Reflection Quote, Peter F Gallagher, leadership gurus, change management gurus, change management thought leader, change management speakers, change management experts, Leadership of change, change management leadership, change management leadership handbook,



"Nothing remains the same and at some point in time, everything changes" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC14-NothRemaSame-20201108


The change question set all leaders should be able to answer:

“Do you understand your organisation's change history? Do you have a change vision? Are you aligned with your strategic objectives? Are you a high-performing team? Does your team have the change leadership capability to successfully lead the change or improvement that your organisation is facing?” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC5-QuesSetLoC-20201126


"What if we could embrace change and lead the world through the Leadership of Change®"~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC47-EmbrChanWorl-20210117


"If more employees were better leaders of change, the organisational benefits would be endless" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC40-EmplBettLoC-20210113


"Change blindness is a condition, where people cling to an old belief without considering the future or better options"

Peter F Gallagher PFGQC39-ChanBlin-20210112


"The fourth industrial revolution will impact the workforce like never before, it will radically change how we get to work, where we work, what we work on and how we work" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC39-xxx-20210301


"Change management is the process, techniques, and tools to support organisations, leadership teams, and employees going through a change transition from the current ‘a’ state to the improved future ‘B’ state" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC21-CMDefi-20201117


Change Leadership


“Effective and proactive leadership is essential for successful organisational change” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC56-AMI-EPL


“Organisational change leadership is about effectively and proactively articulating the vision, modelling the new way and intervening to ensure sustainable change” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC39-AMI-2


"Change leadership is the aptitude to develop and articulate a vision that will inspire the organisation to the new future” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC21-A-AMI


“The organisation will adopt change when leaders show and model the new way” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC22-M-AMI


"Without intervention from leaders, the change will not be adopted or sustained" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC23-I-AMI


"The best leadership teams have purpose, they are aligned on their strategic objectives, they are a high performing team and have change leadership skills to navigate 4IR” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC52-BestTeam4IR-2021125


"Change Waits for No Leader" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC01-ChanWaitLead-20201122


"Change waits for no leader and the skills required for leading day-to-day operations are very different to change leadership"

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC56-ChanWaitDayT-20210203


“Some organisational leaders see their role in a major improvement and change as starting with signing the finance approval and finishing with sending the briefing e-mail with an attached PowerPoint presentation. A while later they wonder where it all went wrong when there is no ROI” ~ ~ Peter Gallagher PFGQC54-LeadPowerPoint-20210201


"Change leadership is action, not a position" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC18-ChanActiPosi-20201122


“Constructive feedback is leadership gift and driver of organisational behavioural change”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC13-ConsFeedGift-20201107


“Fixed mindset leaders will quickly contaminate an organisation by killing growth and creativity, as well as promoting incompetence based on their likeness. This cycle will be replicated unless shareholders intervene ruthlessly” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC15-FixeMindCont-20201109


“Change leadership requires a different set of skills than leading normal day-to-day operations, this capability must be developed before leading organisational change” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC-32-CLvD2D


"Change leadership is about being a proactive growth mindset employee who has the knowledge, skills and ability to successfully transition an organisation from the current state ‘a’ to the future ‘B’ state, ensuring adoption and benefits realisation. This transition involves planning the change, executing the change so that the organisation and its employees sustain the change or transformation" ~ Peter F Gallagher


“Without change leadership alignment at the start of a change programme, you might as well herd entitled cats with egos”

~ Peter F Gallagher QC57-AMI-Cats


“When the leaders of change ignore a negative behaviour, they set a new standard” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC59-LeadIgnoStan-20210208 


"The only thing necessary for the change adoption to fail are leaders and managers who do not intervene to reinforce change"

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC70-AUILM-Fail


"I have yet to encounter a successful change implementation, without an effective and proactive sponsor backed by an aligned leadership team with change leadership skills and knowledge" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQCL18-Enco~succChan


"Organisations with superior leadership of change capability stay ahead in the marketplace" ~ Peter F Gallagher CPFGQC35-SupeChanCapa-20210106


"Leaders on the same leadership team have something more important than the common goals of the organisation, they have their own goals and egos” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC61-a2BCMF-20210210


​“Modelling the new way of working is the one key task leaders of change do not need props for, nor can they delegate "

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQCXXX 


​“The change vision should be developed with all the leaders, and if it has purpose, it will attract better talent with higher energy, motivation and drive" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC62-VisiPurpTale 


“Sometimes leaders of change need to provide that subtle nudge to employees to reinforce change adoption or behaviour change” ~ Peter F Gallagher


“Modelling the new way is the one key task leaders of change do not need props for, nor should they delegate this to others” ~ Peter F Gallagher




“Unless the change initiative is continually aligned to the organisation’s strategy it will not deliver benefits or value to the organisation” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC60-ProgAligStra-20210209 


“Organisations invest enormous amounts of financial capital, resources and effort on critical strategic change programmes. However, when it comes to transferring ownership to operations, it is at best a superficial process with little or no hope of the change being sustained” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC27-TranOwne-20201220




“Nothing negatively impacts organisation performance quicker than employees who resists change and who believes that the way they work today is the way they will work tomorrow” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC02-NothNegaImpa-20200801


“Even if a change is good for the organisation, some employees will resist, thus a resistance strategy should be planned”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC48-ChanGoodResi-20210117


"When facing strong change resistance, always remember the tide turns at its lowest point" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC49-ChanResiTide-20210117


"Change resistance is inevitable, ignore it at your peril" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC08-ChanResiPeri 20201130


"Change leaders be aware, there will always be resistance" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"There are 3 groups of employees in any change journey: ‘Advocates’, ‘Observers’ and ‘Rebels’. Each reacts differently to organisational change and will have different levels of resistance" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC45-AdvoObseRebe-20210116


Trust and Respect


"Without trust you will not change people" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC52-WithTrusChan-20210128 


"Without trust you will not change the employees or the organisation"

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC52-WithTrusChan-20210128


"We are all cosmopolitan, what we are born into is an accident of birth, respect for difference, growth and learning is who we are"

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC11-CosmBornAcci-20200904


Change History


“If an organisation has a history of change failure, future success will require a different approach”

~ Peter F Gallagher PPFGQC34-HistChangAppr-20210105


“To achieve future organisational change management success, analyse previous change history to mitigate previous weakness and enhance future success” ~ Peter F Gallagher C36-ChanMitiEnha-20210107


“A sign of leadership insanity is repeating the same failed change implementation approach and expecting employee change adoption”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC50-SignInsaRepe-20210117




“When I find business problems I find communication failure, when I find communication failure I find business problems”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC37-FindProbComm-20210108


“Effective change communication is at the heart of successful change, it acts like the blood in our bodies, but instead of supplying vital oxygen and nutrients, communication supplies information and motivation to the impacted stakeholders”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC04-EffeCommHear-202011265


“Effective change communication is about getting the right message, to the right stakeholders at the right time, in their frame of reference with a feedback loop” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC51-CommRighMess-20210117


Employee Change Adoption


"For change adoption to be successful, support the employees through the change transition by providing awareness, understanding, involvement, learning, and motivation to achieve sustainable change and benefit realisation” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC61-AUILM-1


"Achieve employee change adoption through: Awareness, Understanding, Involvement, Learning and Motivation” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC62-AUILM-2


"Creating employee change awareness must start on day one, otherwise information gaps will cause fear, resistance will start to build that may not be reversible and hindering adoption" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC63-AUILM-A


“An early major change adoption challenge for the organisation is making sure the employee understands the business reason for change as well as how it impacts them" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC64-AUILM-U


"Employees who are involved in the change design find it difficult to reject its implementation and become your major change agents ensuring improved user adoption" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC65-AUILM-I


"While adopting change it is important to learn the new skills, but sometimes the new behaviours are critical" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC66-AUILM-L


"For the change to become normal operations, leadership need to support the employees so they have the motivation and discipline to sustain the new way of working" ~ Peter F Gallagher​ QC67-AUILM-M


“Organisational change adoption must be made easier than keeping the old ways” ~ Peter F Gallagher 68-AUILM-Easier


“An organisation is built on the three pillars of employees, processes and systems. Change adoption requires leadership focus on all three” ~ Peter F Gallagher 69-AUILM-EPSL


"The only thing necessary for the change adoption to fail are leaders and managers who do not intervene to reinforce change"~ Peter F Gallagher QC70-AUILMI-Fail


"Enhance organisation change adoption and solution quality by getting employee input into the change design and then socialising the output"~ Peter F Gallagher QC


"The only thing necessary for change adoption to fail is a leader or manager who does not intervene to reinforce change"~ Peter F Gallagher QC


Workplace Change Management Behavioural Challenge


“To solve the employee behaviour problem, the organisation must recognise there is an issue. The new behaviours need to be redesigned, a resolution made to implement them, replicate them and reinforce the new way” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC81-a2B5R-1


"Change employee behaviour: Recognise, Redesign, Resolve, Replicate and Reinforce" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC82-a2B5R-2


"Getting employees to recognise their negative behaviour requires us to understand their goals, needs and motivation" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC83-a2B5R-1R


"Resolve is the foundation of change. The organisation and its employees must make a commitment to behaviour change and take personal ownership" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC84-a2B5R-2R


"If the old employee behaviours are problematic, then redesign new positive behaviours” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC85-a2B5R-3R


"The more we replicate the new behaviours, the more they will become the norm" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC86-a2B5R-4R


"Reinforcement is an effective change tool to encourage positive behaviours and discourage negative behaviours" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC87-a2B5R-5R


"If it is difficult to change the behaviour of people so they are healthier and live longer, how difficult will it be to change employee workplace behaviour” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC88-a2B5R-Live-longer


“An organisation is built on the three pillars of employees, processes and systems. Behaviour change requires leadership focus on all three”

"If you do not change employee behaviour, you will not get organisational change or performance improvement"

~ Peter F Gallagher QC90-a2B5R-No-Change


“If you do not change employee mindset and behaviour, you will not get organisational change” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC92-a2B5R-Mindset


“When the leaders of change ignore a negative behaviour, they set a new standard" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC93-a2B5R-Standard


“Future leaders emulate their leaders as they are perceived as successful. They replicate their behaviours but unfortunately these behaviours in many cases are counterproductive to a successful organisation" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC94-a2B5R-CounterP


“The workplace change management behavioural challenge, if is difficult to change the behaviour of people so they are healthier and live longer, how difficult will it be to change employee workplace behaviour” ~ Peter F Gallagher


“You cannot implement a change into an organisation that runs counter to its culture without focusing on behaviour change" ~ Peter F Gallagher


“There are few occasions when an employee decides to circumvent business systems where it does not cause rework, quality or finance problems and customer dissatisfaction" ~ Peter F Gallagher


“It does not make sense to implement organisational change without a focus on employee behaviour change" ~ Peter F Gallagher


Narcissistic and Deluded Leaders


“Many leaders get to the top of an organisation with skills less associated to leadership, but more the ability to eliminate greater competition on the way” ~ Peter F Gallagher


“While delivering organisation change or improvement, one cannot be sure if the challenge is narcissistic and deluded leaders or the sheep that follow in abundance” ~ Peter F Gallagher


"Change agents who face narcissistic and deluded leaders are closer to their next role than the change success they are trying to implement" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC24-AgentsNar-20201219


"Too often the change team will engage a leader with success delusion, this look is obvious on their face when you enter their office. They think to themselves, ‘Who is this plebeian and dullard before me?" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC12-DeluPlebDull-20201104


"Who is this plebeian and dullard before me, do they not know how successful I am?" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC12-DeluPlebDull-20201104


“I have to admire narcissistic and deluded leaders who are able to walk over and greet a change agent without tripping on their ego” ~ Peter F Gallagher TBA


"It always confounds me when a person in a leadership position meticulously analyses the consultant estimate that lists the improvements they would like to deliver to their organisation. If only they spent the same amount of time assessing their organisation's performance or their leadership, then there would be no need for the consultant" ~ Peter F Gallagher TBA


“Deluded leaders and the ‘yes men and women’ that follow are barriers to successful organisational change"

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC55-YesMenWomBarr-20210202


"Future leaders emulate their leaders as they are perceived as successful. They replicate their behaviours but unfortunately sometimes these behaviours are counterproductive to a successful organisation" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC57-FutuEmulBadB-20210204 


“The micro facial expression of contempt when engaging leaders about preparing for their organisation's change is often the norm, matched only by their leadership of change knowledge” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC38-MicrFacoConte-20210111


“A typical response when starting a change journey and engaging organisational leaders, it is not us, it is the employees below me that have the problem with change and improvement” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC0-RespNotUs-20201129


“Deluded leaders can share some of the credit with their white lie coaches” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC44-WhitLieCoac-20210116




“Sponsorship is the single most important factor in change success” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC102-a2B3S-1


"Without effective and proactive sponsorship the change project will eventually fail, the change will not be adopted by the employees nor be sustained, and it will not deliver the intended benefits” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC102-a2B3S-2


"Organisational change sponsorship is about effectively and proactively communicating the change to the stakeholders, Say. Providing and developing competent resources, Support. Intervening, rewarding to embed the change, Sustain” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC103-a2B3S-3


"The change sponsor must effectively and proactively, 

Say: Communication the vision and the change, 

Support: Provide and develop competent resources,

Sustain: Intervene, reward and embed the change"

~ Peter F Gallagher QC104-a2B3S-4


“"Say’ is the foundation of change sponsorship, the change sponsor should articulate the strategy, be the face of the change and communicate constantly” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC105-a2B3S-5


“‘Support’ is about change execution, the change sponsor should provide quality resources, engage and coach the organisation”

~ Peter F Gallagher QC106-a2B3S-6


“‘Sustain’ is the final critical change sponsorship responsibility, the change sponsor should intervene to ensure adoption, reward positive behaviour and embed the new way” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC107-a2B3S-7


"Trying to lead a change project without a sponsor is like trying to rest on a two legged stool, you can balance for a while but eventually you will fall over" ~ Peter F Gallagher QC102-a2B3S-8-Stool


a2B Change Management Framework®


“The a2B Change Management Framework® is a structured and disciplined programme approach, to support organisations, leadership teams, and employees going through a change” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC58-a2BCMF-20210205


Competitive Performance and Organisation Survival


“An organisation’s ability to survive is determined by its capability to implement incremental change or to transform” ~ Peter F Gallagher


"Sustaining and formally closing a change programme is not critical, if competitive advantage or survival is optional" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"Why do employees act surprised when there are defects, rework as well as unhappy customers when process steps are not complied with?" ~ Peter F Gallagher


Change Agents


“Change agents with organisation credibility, change management skills and the desire to improve an organisation can greatly enhance change adoption and benefits delivery" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC63-AgenCredDesi-20210106


“As change professionals, we are all students and organisations are the universities" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC09-ProfStudUniv-20201101

Change Failure


“From my experience, I see a high number of change initiatives fail, so why is it that change experts and leadership coaches continually praise organisations for their great efforts?” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC20


“Too many leaders try to install change into their organisation like how they would build flat-pack furniture. No plan is followed, some parts are left out and then they wonder why it does not function”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC29-Flatpack-20201227


“The change management profession can’t continue to be associated with low success rates and continue with the same failed approaches” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC


Leadership Paradox - Normal Day-to-Day Operations V Change


“Organisations are in a constant state of change. With this comes the challenge of balancing the leadership paradox: change implementation versus delivering day-to-day operations” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC-LoCParadox-20201119


 “Unless the change programme is continually aligned to the organisation’s capacity it will be unable to deliver speedy benefits or value to the organisation” ~ Peter F Gallagher - TBA


“Organisation change capacity and employee workload are ignored considerations in change implementation, until they become the reason for failure” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC64-CapaWorkFail-20210106


“Without getting organisational capacity and agenda time it is unlikely the change programme will gain traction or be implemented” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQCxx




“While change and transformation programmes focus on strategy execution to improve organisation performance, shareholders at a minimum expect benefits delivery” ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC25-BenefitsD-20201220


“Organisations invest enormous amounts of financial capital, resources and effort on critical strategic change programmes. However, when it comes to transferring ownership to operations, it is at best a superficial process with little or no hope of the change being sustained”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC27-TranOwne-20201220


"It never ceases to amaze me how often I have to remind change management professionals that the reason we are implementing the change is to achieve benefits realisation" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC65-CearAmazBene-20210106


4IR and Change Disruption


“4IR offers two opportunities, change your business or cease”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC28-4IR-Cease-20201224


"Change disruption is the order of the day, rapidly changing customer buying habits, access to new technology and social media accelerate the way organisations need to adapt to change to remain competitive or even survive" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC66-DisrAdapComp-20210106



Learning and Coaching


"Discover the joy of experiential learning with change management gamification through the Leadership of Change®"

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC46-ExpeLearLoC-20210116


"We use change management gamification so Leadership of Change® skills and knowledge, can be learnt, discussed, and tested before they are applied back in the workplace®" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC46-ExpeLearLoC-20210116


“Change Approach: If it is about compliance, legislation or safety it will be a ‘Tell’. If it is about winning hearts and minds it will be a ‘Sell’”

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC26-TellSell-20201220



"During experiential learning sessions, the participants ability not to listen or read the instructions could be excused, however deluded leaders blaming the facilitator cannot be" ~ Peter F Gallagher


“Life is all about 'Continuous Never Ending Change and Improvement' (CNECI) as we grow, learn, develop and regenerate” 

~ Peter F Gallagher QC6-CNECI


“Unless leadership coaches tackle unconscious incompetence, then the coachee will continue as a deluded leader” 

~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC42-CoacUncoInco-20210110


“Life is not about being educated, but continuous learning to remain educated" ~ Peter F Gallagher PFGQC43-EducRema-20210116


“One of the most deflating comments after facilitating an event is to hear a participant say:

'I knew this stuff, it is common sense'. One can only hope that future application becomes evident” 

~ Peter F Gallagher QC6-


“A key enabler to employees adopting the new way of working, is to provide the opportunity for them to develop the new skills supported by coaching” ~ Peter F Gallagher QC6-


"Employee 1:1s are a valuable leader and manager tactic and the first point of building a trusting relationship organisation" 

~ Peter F Gallagher QC6-


"While adopting change it is important to learn the new skills, but sometimes the new behaviours are critical" 

~ Peter F Gallagher QC6-


"Learning new processes requires both experiential learning to develop the skills, the ‘how’ as well as theoretical knowledge, the ‘what’" 

~ Peter F Gallagher QC6-


Team Success


"There are few greater professional feelings than when you lead, develop, work with a cross functional team to successfully deliver a business improvement, project or change that improves organisational value" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"At the start of every engagement, I watch, I ask questions and listen, I collect information to feel and think where there can be change and improvement" ~ Peter F Gallagher


“The right employees are an organisations key asset and offer core competitive advantage. Treat them so and develop them, so they can aspire and with the right strategy and leadership you can become a global leader” ~ Peter F Gallagher


"It always confounds me when a person in a leadership position meticulously analyses the consultant estimate that lists the improvements they want to deliver to their organisation. If only they spent the same amount of time assessing their organisation's performance or their leadership, then there would be no need for the consultant" ~ Peter F Gallagher


Business Improvement


"Business improvement projects are more likely to fail due to people and communication challenges rather than the application of business improvement tools or methodologies" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"Without team collaboration and subject mater expertise, there is no foundation to build the improvement" ~ Peter F Gallagher




"It perturbs me when social media users like a fickle pretty picture that offers no learning and disregard intelligent articles" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"I live my life with the people I love and treasure, my work experience allows me to write, speak and teach a subject that does not make it feel like work. Not everybody will like me but don’t worry about things you can’t control. Life is all about 'Continuous Never Ending Change and Improvement' (CNECI) as we grow, learn, develop and regenerate" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"It always confounds me when a person in a leadership position meticulously analyses the consultant estimate that lists the improvements they want to deliver to their organisation. If only they spent the same amount of time assessing their organisation's performance or their leadership, then there would be no need for the consultant" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"I have yet to truly experience a successful organisational change implementation and see the team deservedly sing kum-ba-yah" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"I asked the leadership coach why do you not tell them how deluded they are? Well, Peter if we did we would not get paid" ~ Peter F Gallagher


"In recent business engagements, three people have used the term I am too busy to answer your query, firstly why would you say such a thing to a colleague, secondly, the unintended consequence are usually realised" ~ Peter F Gallagher


Leadership of Change Admired People Quotes


"Difference is of the essence of humanity. Difference is an accident of birth and it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. The answer to difference is to respect it. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity" ~ John Hume


"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" ~ George Bernard Shaw


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” ~ Albert Einstein/Unknown?


"The civil rights movement in the United States was about the same thing, about equality of treatment for all sections of the people, and that is precisely what our movement was about" ~ John Hume


"I caused a bit of damage then, but I’ve made my apologies to people for doing what I did. It’s all part of being alive. And whatever power there is in us, it’s forgiving. It’s over. Forget it. Just move on" ~ Anthony Hopkins


"Don’t aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference" ~ Denzel Washington


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